Samvardhan Trust


National e-Sangosthi on 'National Education Policy 2020: In Context of Indian Languages and Culture'

Samvardhan Trust and Central Hindi Directorate jointly organised a National e-Sangosthi on ‘National Education Policy 2020: In Context of Indian Languages and Culture’ on 17/10/2020. The e-conference was presided by the trustee of Rashtriye Pustak Nyaas (NBT), Prof. Dr. Yogendra Nath Sharma ‘Arun’. The keynote address was given by the National Coordinator of Pragya Pravaah, (RSS) Shri Nand Kumar ji. The Vice Chancellor of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University, New Delhi, Prof. Ramesh Kumar Pandey enlightened the audience on the importance of Sanskrit in the global context. Prof Kuldeep Agnihotri, Vice-Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh Central University, expressed his views on indigenous languages and their cultural moorings. Member Secretary of IGNCA, New Delhi, Prof. Sachhinand Joshi underscored the connect between languages and their socio-cultural contexts. Vice Chancellor of Central Tribal University, Andhra Pradesh, Prof. T. V. Kattimani dwelt upon Indian languages and their cultural importance and how they are so organically interlinked. Dr. Balram Pani, Dean of Colleges, University of Delhi, spoke on our cultural heritage and scientificity. Dr. Rama, Principal, Hansraj College, University of Delhi, spoke on Indian languages and how at the core one can find myriad connecting links among these mediums of communication. Prof. Shri Prakash Singh, Political Science Department, University of Delhi, expressed his views on the importance of higher education and research which he said can’t attain desired standards if the foundational learning is in other than the mother tongue.
The program commenced with the Manglacharan (utterances of hymns) by Dr. Suryamani Bhandari. Dr. Yuthika Mishra, President, Samvardhan Trust, , welcomed the distinguished speakers & introduced the theme of the program. Dr. Bharti, Bhagini Nivedita College gave brief introduction of the guests. The programe-conference was coordinated and managed by Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari, general secretary, Samvardhan Trust. Vote of thanks was delivered by Prof. Jyotsna Tiwari. Dr. Shashi Bhushan, Managing Trustee, Dr. Akhilesh Mishra, Treasurer and members, Shri Puran Chand Bhatt, Dr. Shivranjini, Ms. Gopika Bhandari, Dr. Niranjan Mahto, Dr. Uma Shanker Pandey and Shri Harish Jain also contributed to the successful functioning of the program. The young team of Amreen, Angelo, Anjali, Mansi, Tushar, and Ajay did a commendable job by managing the technical glitches and media broadcast. Broadcast live on various social media platforms, the program received wide coverage with more than 1000 participants benefitting from it.
The invitees spoke at length not only on the vitality of mother tongue as the medium of education in the New Education Policy, but also provided enlightening inputs on various facets of the Policy. India’s rich linguistic tradition was hailed as the fulcrum of nation’s development and was argued to be rightly enshrined in the NEP. Highlighting the rich linguistic tradition of India, it was said that none other than Max Mueller himself glorified India as the land of languages with Sanskrit as the single most important key to that treasure trove. It was said that the decision to keep indigenous languages cent restage in national education policy should have been taken after the independence. However, foreign languages, especially English, were given preferential treatment which proved detrimental to Indian languages and culture. Mother tongue was stated to be the most potent medium of unmasked internal expressions compared to the use of foreign languages which inhibit the outflow of natural thoughts. The NEP was envisaged to go a long way not only in furthering cultural integration but also amplifying the knowledge base of the country by using indigenous linguistic tools. The e-conference emphasized that the education in mother tongue would ensure constant connectivity with rich Indian culture and contributes to greater national integration.

Mahatma Gandhi & Craft: A talk session under the aegis of VAGARTH’20

On the occassion of Gandhi Jayanti, 2nd October 2020, Samvardhan Trust organised an online talk on the topic ‘Mahatma Gandhi & Craft’ by Prof. Salil Mishra, Pro Vice Chancellor, B. R. Ambedkar University, Delhi. The talk was conducted as one of the events in it’s series Vagarth ’20. It was attended by students and teachers across the country. Chairperson Dr. Yuthika Mishra welcomed the speaker and the audience. Managing Trustee Dr. S. B. Singh introduced the distinguished Speaker.

In his talk Prof. Mishra emphasized that Mahatma Gandhi had always tried to bridge the gap between traditions and modernity. Gandhi’s view about Indian art and craft was clear as he advocated _Swadeshi_ in terms of handicrafts which in turn would enable the rural societies to become self-reliant. Gandhi also played instrumental role in making people to realize the significance of craftsman ship and financial independency.
It was the machine, not the British, which was the root cause of imperialism . By practicing decentralization a society can enhance their economic independence and through this, eradicate poverty. In the Gandhian philosophy creative programs were always given utmost importance. The participants interacting with the speaker, questioned him on various aspects of Gandhi. Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari, Secretary General delivered the vote of thanks. The talk was compered by Ms. Mansi Bisla, Event Head of the Trust.

अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ई-संगोष्ठी *निज भाषा उन्नति अहै'

हिन्दी दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में संवर्धन ट्रस्ट एवं केंद्रीय हिन्दी निदेशालय, नई दिल्ली के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में दिनांक 13 सितंबर, 2020 को अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ई-संगोष्ठी *निज भाषा उन्नति अहै’ का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें देश-विदेश के प्रतिष्ठित विद्वानों व हज़ार से अधिक प्रतिभागीयों ने हिस्सा लिया। कार्यक्रम का प्रारंभ डॉ दीपक वशिष्ठ के द्वारा मंगलाचरण से हुआ। ट्रस्ट के महासचिव डॉ वेदव्रत तिवारी ने ट्रस्ट के मुख्य उद्देश्य पर प्रकाश डाला । अध्यक्षा डॉ यूथिका मिश्रा ने सभी अतिथियों का स्वागत करते हुए वर्तमान में हिंदी के महत्व पर अपनी बात रखी।
बीज वक्तव्य देते हुए प्रो पूरण चंद टंडन, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय ने आत्मनिर्भर भारत के लिए निज भाषा की उन्नति हेतु अपने वाउचर रखे। इग्नू के डॉ हरीश सेठी ने नई शिक्षा नीति में हिंदी भाषा को महत्व दिए जाने के लिए केंद्रीय सरकार का आभार व्यक्त किया।प्रसिध्द जापानी हिन्दी अनुवादक डॉ तोमोको किकूची ने अपने सम्बोधन में जापान के विश्वविद्यालयों में हिंदी भाषा के पठन-पाठ पर चर्चा की। हंसराज महाविद्यालय के डॉ वेदप्रकाश ने आने वक्तव्य में निज भाषा की उन्नति को देश की उन्नति और राष्ट्र सम्मान से जोड़ा। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता करते हुए केंद्रीय हिन्दी निदेशालय के निदेशक प्रो रमेश कुमार पांडेय ने हिंदी को संस्कार, विचार, मन, जन, व संस्कृति की भाषा कहा। संवर्धन ट्रस्ट की संरक्षिका प्रो ज्योत्स्ना तिवारी ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापन के साथ हिन्दी भाषा को राष्ट्रीय नहीं अपितु अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्वरूप देने की बात कही।

'Dr. S. Radhakrishnan on Education and Educators'

On the glorious occasion of Teacher’s day, 5th September, 2020 Samvardhan Trust organized an online talk session under the dialogue series VAGARTH’20 on the topic ‘Dr. S. Radhakrishnan on Education and Educators’ by Dr. Aditya Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi. It was attended by students and teachers across colleges and also beyond the country’s boundaries. Chief patron Prof. Jyotsna Tiwari welcomed the speaker & audience.
Dr. Gupta introduced the unseen side of Dr. Radhakrishnan and his educational philosophy. Pragmatic & Holistic education, training of the conscience and importance of our value systems were the crux of Dr. Radhakrishnan’s system of education. Dr. Gupta presented them in a very interesting manner by citing examples from Upnishadas. The participants shared their views and appreciated Dr. Gupta’s efforts in making the talk so intriguing. Dr. Shasi Bhushan delivered the vote of thanks. The session was compared by Mansi Bisla, event head of the trust. 3.

ज़िन्दगी के रंग कहानियों के संग; A story telling session

Samvardhan Trust under the aegis of VAGARTH’20 organized a story telling session on ज़िन्दगी के रंग कहानियों के संग, A story telling session by Ms. Malavika Joshi. In her story telling session Ms. Joshi picked few stories from Panchtantra & Jatak tales and narrated them in a novel way. The stories were old but they were extended with modern twists and turns, the new age morals and situations made them very relevant to the present times. The session was thoroughly enjoyed by all the participants.
Dr. Gupta introduced the unseen side of Dr. Radhakrishnan and his educational philosophy. Pragmatic & Holistic education, training of the conscience and importance of our value systems were the crux of Dr. Radhakrishnan’s system of education. Dr. Gupta presented them in a very interesting manner by citing examples from Upnishadas. The participants shared their views and appreciated Dr. Gupta’s efforts in making the talk so intriguing. Dr. Shasi Bhushan delivered the vote of thanks. The session was compared by Mansi Bisla, event head of the trust.


On 73rd Independence day i. e. 15/07/2020 SAMVARDHAN TRUST ORGANIZED Jashn-E-Azadi an Instagram live musical session with SHRI VARUN JAIN renowned vocalist who performed various patriotic songs and other musical no on the demand of audience. The session was conducted by Ms. Amreen, Head, Event Management.

Online ‘Workshop on UPSC’

Samvardhan Trust organized an online ‘Workshop on UPSC’ with Shri Mukesh Baranwal on 10.08.2020 over google meet. In the beginning of program EC member Ms. Gopika Bhandari delivered welcome address. Smt. Anamika Deep recited many heart touching, motivational poems. In his opening remarks Shri Mukesh Baranwal pointed out importance of learning skills. He discussed various aspects for the preparation of UPSC exams by pointing out the medium of preparation, text book, attitude etc. Shri Baranwal Ji answered more than 15 questions asked by participants. The session was attended by around 80 civil services aspirants across the country. Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Jaya Gola, an intern from the Event Department of the trust who also compared the session.

Prospects of Tourism in Post Pandemic World; with Special Reference to Cultural Tourism in India

Samvardhan Trust organized a NATIONAL WEBINAR on “PROSPECTS OF TOURISM IN POST PANDEMIC WORLD; WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CULTURAL TOURISM IN INDIA” over google meet on 24th July, 2020. Webinar was started with Invocation Maa Saraswati (Vandana) by Anjali, PR Head, Samvardhan Trust. In the beginning Chairperson, Samvardhan Trust Dr. Yuthika Mishra welcomed all the distinguished guests. Special address was delivered by Chief Patron, Samvardhan Trust Prof. Jyotsana Tiwari after that the webinar session was started. This session was chaired by Prof. Sunil K. Kabia, Head, Department of Tourism, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, (U. P.) Keynote Address was given by Dr. Kumar Ashutosh, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Tourism, College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi. Next speaker Dr. Anuja Jain, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Rajasthan kept her views on ongoing crisis and suggested ways how to combat and bounce back. Dr. Chandresh, Travel Consultant figured out the importance of Indian Culture in world tourism. Dr. Amna Mirza, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Shyama Prasad Mukharjee College, University of Delhi emphasized on tangible & intangible heritage and how Indian tourism Industry is going to strike back in post pandemic world. Dr. Ravindra Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism, College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi pointed out the role of govt. in getting back . Mr. Isa Khan, Travel blogger thrown light on Himalayan foot hills and scope of adventure tourism. Mr. Avinash Chandra, Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism, College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi, also put his views. In his presidential address Prof. Sunil K. Kabia concluded the session by elaborating different aspects of tourism. At the end vote Of thanks was delivered Dr. Akhilesh Mishra, Treasurer, Samvardhan Trust. The webinar was ended with the recitation of Vande Matram by Amreen Kaur, Event Head, Samvardhan Trust. General Secretary Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari was admired by panelist for beautifully organizing national level seminar.

Art flow and Paint brush; an online painting workshop

Samvardhan Trust organized an online painting workshop on ‘Art flow and Paint brush’ with Mr. Anil Soni and Ms. Khushbu Soni on 17.07.2020. EC member Dr. Shivranjani welcomed the guests. Abstract landscape artist Mr. Soni discussed the process & painted a verdant landscape. Art expertise Ms. Soni drew the finest potrait of an old man through water colour. Their amazingly creative skills left all awestruck. Dr. Niranjan Mahto, member EC delivered vote of thanks. The session was attended by around 80 people across the country and compared by Sakshi, council member of the trust.

Vande Guru Paramparam

On the auspicious ocassion of Guru Purnima Samvardhan Trust has organised a talk session on ‘Vande Guru Paramparam’ under the regular talk series Vagarth’20 by Prof. Shiv Shankar Mishra on July 5th, 2020 @ 11:00 AM over Google meet. Chairperson Dr. Yuthika Mishra welcomed guest. During the session Prof. Mishra discussed the importance of guru in human life. He further added that since beginning of civilization Gurus have played significant role in shaping the character of their disciple. He gave various examples from Vedas, upnishadas to epics. The event partner and founder of Ujjwal Women Association Mrs. Bina Jain also enlightened the audience. At the end of session Secretary General Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari delivered the vote of thanks. The session was conducted by Ms. Anjali, Head, PRO.

प्रेम गली अति सांकरी ता में दो न समाय; Celebrating Kabir

SAMVARDHAN TRUST organised a talk session named “VAGARATH’20” with our special guest Dr. Niranjan Mahato on 29th june 2020 @ 4:00pm over Instagram live. In this session Dr.Mahato discussed and explained the meaning of Kabir’s dohe in depth. He told that Kabir Das covers various aspects of life and call for a loving devotion of god in his verse. Along with this he mentioned that Kabir composed his verse with simple hindi words. Then question and answer round took place. The session was proved to be very wonderful and full of knowledge. Audience enjoyed the whole session and were satisfied afterwards. At last the session ended with vote of thanks. The session was conducted by Ms. Mansi, Head, Event Management.

LIVE YOGA SESSION On International Yoga day

‘On International Yoga day,21/06/2020 Samarvardhan Trust organised a ‘LIVE YOGA SESSION’ with Yogacharya Shri Nikhil Yadav on Google meet. In this session, Nikhil ji performed various yoga asanas (posture). Apart from yogasana he also discussed the significance of Patanjali’s Ashtangik Yoga. In the time of Covid-19 pandemic how yoga can help to combat this difficult situation. A good no. audience joined him from across the country.Interestingly Trust has got more than 300 registrations which reflects the popularity of Yoga.

Best Yoga Posture Competition

On account of International Yoga day Trust organized Best Yoga Posture Competition. List of winners

Indian tradition & Global Challenges*

During the session Prof. Gupt talks about ‘How Indian traditional values are helpful in facing global challenges’ to be more specific the ongoing pandemic. His message was loud and clear that “Exploiting nature so much so that it turns against humanity is not something to be taken for granted.” Further into the session he reveals the debts human is born with, according to the Hindu Mythology. Besides, these are not meant for any kind of burden but appear as a reminder that how human kind should be grateful towards the huge number of forces deriving this universe, both material and divine. 1) Pitri Rin is all about how much we owe towards our ancestors. 2) Rishi Rin is towards the sages. 3) Dev Rin is how we should be grateful towards the deities. Furthermore, 4) Manusya Rin is what we owe to humanity. While, 5) Bhut Rin is our debts towards the Plants, Animals and Nature. These debts will make the human kind act responsibly towards the world as well as will encourage them to contribute towards the society.

ONLINE CLASSICAL/FOLK Singing competition

A Heritage Walk to Jamali Kamali

On 16th November, 2019 Samvardhan Trust has organized its first Heritage Walk to Jamali Kamali (Mehrauli Archaeological Park) which was attended by more than 20 history & culture lovers. Walk expert Mr. Pryank Wadhera unfolded the various layers of myths & mystries related to these sites. Vis a vis Mr. Dinesh Kataria described the settlement pattern and urbanization of Delhi through the ages. Office bearers of the Trust Ms. Gopika Bhandari, Mr. P. C. Bhatt & Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari also made their presence. Mr. Ashish & Mr. Abhishek played instrumental role in organizing this event.We express our sincere gratitude to all the participants for making this walk a great success.

Living Life through the crafts: A talk by Ms. Jaya Jaitly

Samvardhan Trust in collaboration with Bharat VidyaPrayojna, IGNCA organized a talk by renowned art & craft expert Ms. Jaya Jaitly on ‘Living Life through Crafts’ on 9th August, 2019 at Auditorium, IGNCA, C. V. Mess, Janpath, New Delhi-110011

Program began with lighting of lamp amid the saraswativandana by the Dr. Shivranjani. In his opening remarks guest of honor Dr. SudhirLall, director, Bharat Vidya Prayojna,Vedic Heritage Portal & NMM discussed the historical journey of Indian craft. Special guest, Prof. Jyotsna Tiwari, NCERT pointed out the human activities with craftsmanship. Chief Guest & main speaker Ms. JaitleyJaitlyhighlighted as to how artisans and craftsmen of India have been a part of its history for a long time. Their depiction also comes through in Mahabharata and Ramayana. Ramayana gives a list of the craftsmen that were part of the procession following Lord Rama when he returns to Ayodhya from his exile. Very much later, even during the time of Vijaynagaram Empire, some craft communities are recorded as makers of significant grants to temples. However, Globalization of the 1990s has proved to be a challenge to the survival of several crafts because of competition from branded goods. The craftsmen’s craft occupies an important place in our lives since they make both objects that are for everyday use as well as for rituals. She focused on the need to make the crafts more contemporary so as to secure their ability to gain a market and thereby ensure their survival. At the end vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Yuthika Mishra, Chairperson, Samvardhan Trust.

Vasantotsava '19

The festival of spring Vasant Panchami was celebrated asVasantotsava ’19 by the Samvardhan Trust in collaboration with PGDAV College (Eve.) (University of Delhi) on 9th February 2019. A folk song and dance competition ‘Mati kiGoonj’to mark the revelry associated with the onset of Vasant ritu was also organized. Smt. PrernaShrimali, the renowned Kathak dancer was the chief guest of the event. Smt. Malavika Joshi, music educationist & Dr. Sarbaree Banerji, Professor, Indian classical music, NCERT also graced the occasion.
The Programme began with SaraswatiPujan by the chairperson of Samvardhan Trust. Ms. Aishwarya Srivastava, a famous kathak dancer, performed the Saraswativandana. The programme that followed saw the participation from several colleges of Delhi University and other Universities as well. Folk song performances by students brought to us the earthy, sweet echoes of Bangla, Rajasthani and Garwhali folk culture. The vibrant Gidda and Bhangra, Lavani and Haryanavi folk dances brought the colour and fragrance of the festival of vasant alive. Trophies and cash prizes were given to the winners and certificate of participation were given to all.

Sanskrit References to the game of chess by Dr.Chandragupta Warnekar

On the occasion of the foundation day of Indira Gandhi national Centre for the Arts,(I.G.N.C.A)in the collaboration of Samvardhan Trust and SLBSR Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, organized a talk byDr. Chandragupta Warnekaron Sanskrit References to the game of chess at Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. Dr. Warnekardelivered a lecture on the importance of Sanskrit for computer. He demonstrated the richness of ancient Sanskrit literature and how it can be used for computer programs. He gave the example of chess wherethe concept of chess came from ancient India, and how it had been used by ancient Indian kings for their amusement and was called Chaturanga. Later on, the Europeans came in India and they used it to make called chess, now in Modern worldits known as the chess.Other dignitaries like Vice chancellor of Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Prof. Ramesh kumar, Dr. Sudhirlal, Prof.Jyotisna Tiwari Dr. IndrajeetDagar, Principal of college of vocational studiesand Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari as well shared their ideas on the utility and importance of Sanskrit in this modern world. They said that Sanskrit is not only about the rituals but it was mostly related to the political, social and economic conditions of ancient India.

Indian Place - Value Decimal Number System by Dr.Chandragupta Warnekar

On the occasion of the celebrations of the Foundation Day of IGNCA, Bharat Vidya Prayojan of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts in collaboration with Samvardhan Trust and Jamia Millia Islamia organized a public lecture on Indian Place – Value Decimal Number System on 20th November, 2018 at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. The institutes were represented by Dr. Sudhir Lall, Project Director, Bharat Vidya Prayojan, IGNCA, Dr. Garish Chandra Pant, Head, Sanskrit dept., JMI and Dr. Yuthika Mishra, chairperson, Samvardhan Trust. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Chandragupta Warnekar(Dr. Warnekar has more than 40 years of working experience in Computer Science Engineering and has held various portfolios in the area of Research and Development, consultancy, projects, teaching etc. in prestigious institutions and organizations). He focused on the position number system is the basis of computations. Europe is said to have used Roman numerals before they knew about the Indian decimal system and use of zero. However, it is difficult to outline even the simplest arithmetical operation like addition using Roman numerals. The digital computer uses a binary positional system through combinations of only two digits, viz. 0 and 1. The numerical operations are similar to the standard decimal system. Reference to such binary combinations appears through Sanskrit texts on Chandas or poetic meters by Pingalacharya. The 3, 4, 6 or 8 lettered ganas aksharaganah generate the same sequence of laghu (0) and guru( 1 ) combinations as in modern digital computers. At the end of program vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari, General Secretary, Samvardhan Trust.

In Search of Roots: Folk Music And youth' delivered by Smt. Malavika Joshi

On 11th August, 2018 Samvardhan trust organized a talk, ‘IN SEARCH OF ROOTS: FOLK MUSIC AND YOUTH’ delivered by Smt. Malavika Joshi, Music Educationist, at 03:30 PM, at Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Qutub Institutional Area, Katawaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016.The Event started with the welcome of chief guest, Smt. Malvika Joshi by Dr. Jyotsana Tiwari, Chief Patron, Smavardhan trust. Facilitation of Dr Surendra Narayan Jha, Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Vedic studies, Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth was also done by Dr Vedbrat Tiwari, General Secretary, Samvardhan Trust.Facilitation of Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, by Dr. Shashi Bhushan was also done, on account of the award of Ph. D. degree to him from department of Economics, Jawahar Lal Nehru University.Speaker & chief guest Mrs. Malvika Joshi delivered a very brilliant audio video lecture on the various forms of Indian Folk Culture and its eternity followed by questions from the audience.

Students of various institutes from across Delhi & NCR participated with full enthusiasm including Alok Kumar, Mohit, Adiya Alok, Ritika Dikshit, Rishav Kumar, Ajay kumar Singh, Ravi Kumar, Hritik, Vishal Kumar Pathak, Nikhil Kumar and Arpit Kumar. At the end of the program vote of thanks was given by Pr. Jyotsna Tiwari.

A visit to Sanskriti Museum

Samvardhan Trust organized a visit to Sanskriti Museums, Anandgram in Delhi on 19th May, 2018. This visit was joined by Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari, General Secretary, Ms. Gopika Bhandari, E. C. Member & Creative Head, Mr. Virendera Singh Bithoo Member of Samvardhan Trust & students namely Mr. Mohit, Mr. Rama Ram, Mr. Shivansh and Mr. Sunny Kumar of College of Vocational Studies (University of Delhi) New Delhi. Mr. Bithoo undertook this culturo – educational tour. It provided the students with an insight into the important cultural practices of various forms of indigenous arts. Mr. Virender guided the students through this trip by providing significant information about Museum of ‘Everyday Art’, Museum of Indian Terracotta and that of Textiles.

Route to Roots; A visit to Dilli Haat

On 3rd May, 2018 an educational visit ‘Route to Roots’ was organized by Samvardhan Trust to Dilli Haat, INA, New Delhi. It was attended by Dr. Vedbrat Tiwari General Secretary, Ms. Gopika Bhandari, E. C. Member & Creative Head, Mr. Puran Chand Bhatt, Secretary of Samvardhan trust along with Ms.Sophia Pde of Vivekananda College, and students of various colleges of University of Delhi, including Ms. Deepshikha Mishra, Mr. Arpit, Mr. Arpan, Mr. Ameed, Mr. Harshit, Mr. Hritik, M. Himanshu, Mr. Alok and Mr. Mohit.. The students interacted with the visitors to the Haat to familiarize them with the goal and purpose behind the founding of Samvardhana Trust, and also sought their view regarding crafts and their makers – the craftsperson’s behind them.

Route to Roots; A Vasantotsava '18to Dilli Haat

दिनांक 22 जनवरी 2018, को लोक संस्कृति को समर्पित संस्था संवर्धन ट्रस्ट द्वारा श्री लाल बहादुर राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विद्यापीठ, कटवारिया सराय में वसंत पंचमी के उपलक्ष्य में सरस्वती पूजा तथा सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ वैदिक विधि द्वारा सरस्वती पूजन से किया गया। इस अवसर पर संवर्धन ट्रस्ट की अध्यक्षा डॉ युथिका मिश्रा ने वसंत ऋतु तथा उसके सामाजिक और पर्यावरण के अन्तर्सम्बन्ध पर चर्चा की। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता करते हुए NCERT के कला इतिहास विभाग की प्रोफेसर ज्योत्सना तिवारी ने लोक संस्कृति के विविध पक्षों पर अपने विचार रखे। इसके उपरांत संस्थान की ही डॉ शिवरंजनी तथा सहयोगी कलाकारों के द्वारा सरस्वती वन्दना विभिन्न लोक संगीत की विधाओं में किया गया है। पटना से आई लोक संगीतकार सुश्री पल्लवी जोशी ने आंचलिक राग में विभिन्न प्रस्तुति कर उपस्थित जन समुदाय का मन मोह लिया। इसके अतिरिक्त अंकित कुमार और दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से आये छात्रों ने भी भावपूर्ण प्रस्तुति दी। इस आयोजन में दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, जवाहर लाल नेहरु विश्वविद्यालय तथा देश भर से आये विद्वानों ने भाग लिया। कार्यक्रम का संचालन तथा धन्यवाद ज्ञापन संवर्धन ट्रस्ट के महासचिव डॉ वेदव्रत तिवारी द्वारा किया गया।