Samvardhan Trust

Folk Practices & Tradition and Environment

Folk practices, like folk music, danceand culture, are like earthenwares, they exude the fragrance and flavours of thelands they belong to.This gives them a unique identity and an entire tradition to be proud of. Unlike classical music and dance forms, folk music and folk dance do not have a fixed tradition or way of practice.
These forms evolve with time to time, generation to generation and milieu to milieu. There is no written documentation of folk music and dance forms; they are passed on from one generation to the other.Present day metropolitan space brings together people from various ethno cultural backgrounds, hence creating a melting pot of all the cultures. But it is so observed that somewhere somehow, amongst the commonly shared traditional practices, folk music and folk dance lag behind and do not actually get carried forward to the cities

Aclose look at the present day scenario would take us to a situation where folk music and folk dance forms are gradually becoming extinct, only visible at occasions like marriages or child birth, that too left only in the hands of the older generations.


There is a serious need to popularize these forms, lest they should only remain as memories of our cultures.


The present day urban youth is hardly associated with their folk forms, they don’t even know their own traditional practices properly. It is also important to propagate these art forms amongst people so that there is generated a senseof mutual respect for each otheres culture, hence for the helping create a better humanity.